Upcoming Events

What if you knew where all of your money was going each month? What if you were debt-free, investing, and making wise spending decisions? Learn God's way of handling money with Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. You CAN take control of your money and start planning for your future!

Financial Peace University begins January 18, 2018, for 9 weeks. 7-9 pm at Pitman Road Church of Christ, in the conference room. 

This course is for adults and older teens. If you are unable to attend any night, make-up classes are available online.

Please register ahead of time and order your class kit at this website: www.fpu.com/1054125 and a $10 discount will be available to you.

If you have previously taken FPU, you can reuse your existing kit, but please do register again. Consider purchasing a gift membership kit for someone who could benefit from FPU.

Any questions, or for help with registration, contact Adam and Helena Cerquoni at 856-275-1581 or helenasophia53@gmail.com.